Bloom Facilities Management | UAE

bfm Promise (Covid-19)

Our Valued Customer

At bfm, our core values derive from our honest care for the health and well-being of our employees, customers and impact we make on the society at large. Our entire operational philosophy is aligned accordingly, during business as usual but even more so during the Covid-19 pandemic crisis-management.

Our Keep-Safe Plan

We have taken extensive measures to ensure the safety of our employees and customers, through the following actions:

  • Deep cleaning and disinfection of all our Bloom properties and recommending to all our customers on the same precautionary measure
  • Deep cleaning and disinfection of our offices, accommodation camps and vehicles Ensuring cleaning products are approved by the Municipality but most importantly Covid-19 effective
  • Education and training of our employees on hygiene best practice, including wearing protective equipment during work activity
  • Training all staff and operatives on methodology, critical touch points and required frequency of sanitisation. Continuous refreshment training is ongoing 
  • We ensured everyone is aware of the procedure if a suspected infection is found and how to isolate until authorities arrive
  • Our Business Excellence team stays up to date by regularly attending seminars on best practice for dealing with Covid-19 

We implemented working-from-home for our employees, informed our 3rd party partners to communicate remotely and practice social distancing across the board

We take this opportunity to wish you and your family best health. Our Promise to you is to stay true to our Mission of deeply caring for your wellbeing.

Yours faithfully,

Evie Boustantzi

General Manager

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